Meraki Greek Bistro Upstairs Lounge – You’re Drinking Watermelon Mojitos in a Swing Chair
- by Ginger Harris in
When it comes to anniversaries, you could always just stick a candle in a dessert and call it a day.
Or, and just spitballing here, you could build an upstairs lounge, throw a huge party and invite everyone to explore the place.
Meraki will be opening the latter, a glorious upstairs party lounge, this Wednesday, while simultaneously celebrating its big first birthday. Here’s the slideshow.
Consider this latest addition the icing on the cake. Or the candles. Or… we’ve lost the metaphor, so just head in with someone you like, pass through the traditional Greek part downstairs, and make note of the outdoor patio as you head upstairs. That was foreshadowing.
Up there, you’ll find a 1970’s peacock wicker chair and swing chairs suspended from the ceiling. And a generally sexy Mediterranean vibe amid black and grey touches. All things that really only come to life once you’ve rested a watermelon mojito on them.
So there you’ll be, rocking back and forth on those swings, talking, listening to mellow music as you drink white wine sangrias, and if things align right, laughing. Eventually, you’ll detect wafting scents of Greek cooking coming from below and recall a certain outdoor patio you saw earlier.
Before descending to your dinner date with destiny, note that this space would make a rather remarkable place for a holiday party. It is, after all, available for just such functions.
The verdict on plate smashing, however, is still out.
Original article: Urbandaddy.com